Orteză de mână cu fixarea policelui Elements // Hand orthosis with thumb support


Executat din polyester, material certificat Oko-Tex pentru clasa II, standard 100. Aceasta înseamnă că se poate aplica direct pe piele. Asigură un grad sporit de stabilitate şi suport, precum şi o mobilitate confortabilã.


Acest produs este recomandat pentru tratamentul afectiunilor temporare si moderate ale incheieturii mainii, ca durere si inflamatii. Aceasta limiteaza miscarea incheieturii mainii datorita atelei din aluminiu pozitionata pe partea palmara. Orteza mentine caldura in articulatie.


Edeme, inflamatii


Mărimi: - Circumferinta incheieturii mâinii. Stănga /dreapta.

- S: 11 - 14 cm - M: 14 - 17 cm - L: 17 - 20 cm - XL: 20 - 23 cm


Made by laminating spandex and a durable wearresistant material called polyamide to a core of polyurethane; the Polyamide material is Oko-Tex-Approved. ELEMENTS provides a superior level of support and stability while still providing comfortable mobility.


This product is intended for treatment of mild and temporary conditions such as pain, inflammation and joint stress in the wrist. The support limits the movement of the wrist, due to the aluminium stay on the palmar side. The support keeps the wrist warm.


Edema, severe swelling.


Measurement: wrist circumference. Specify right or left -

S: 11 - 14 cm - M: 14 - 17 cm - L: 1 7 - 20 cm - XL: 20 - 23 cm

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  • Tel: 021/3260355 - Fax: 021/3234034
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  • Tel/fax: 0241/619718
  • Mobil: 0748.889.992
  • E-mail: constanta@ortotech.ro

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  • Str. Sarariei nr. 26, Iasi
  • Tel: 0232.311010
  • Mobil: 0742.10.10.59
  • E-mail: iasi@ortotech.ro

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  • Str. Bibescu Voda nr. 7, Jud. Prahova
  • Tel./Fax: 0244.520.474
  • Mobil: 0742.100.863
  • E-mail: ploiesti@ortotech.ro